Request from the Pollo team to the Pollo family

7 min readApr 22, 2021


Here is a list of requests from the Pollo team to the community.. The way we are going to share and carry out these tasks together will be a true DAO-eggs.

The Pollo team will be disbanded sooner or later. As I write this, I will eventually change my name to Waddle dee and become just another participant in the DAO. Just like you.

It is imperative that we foster a DAO-like atmosphere before that day. We sincerely ask for the cooperation of our Pollo family.

In the meantime, we have prepared a Google form for Pollo family members to write down what they can and want to do:

Please note that your input will be made available to the public in the following Google spreadsheet:

Pollo’s resources

First, let’s take a look at Pollo’s resources

Pollo core members:

  • 1 developer
  • 1 team supervisor & economist
  • 1 designer
  • 1 founder
  • 2 marketers

Communication languages are Japanese and English.

Employees or collaborators

  • development companies (under negotiation)
  • 2 Pollo admin
  • several Pollo helpers

Current Projects

  • Determine and develop specifications for Pollo Vaults
  • Develop Pollo Jackpot
  • Develop Pollo Fee revenue sharing system

Future Projects

Pollo’s Requests

We are looking for people who can proactively take charge of these tasks.

1. People who can invent and implement PoFi use cases.

The PoFi use case the Pollo team planned was servingas a revenue sharing entitlement for the entire Pollo project. PoFi was also to be used as a voting right in the execution of the DAO.

However, it turns out that this future use case is not enough to maintain the price of PoFi alone. It’s also plausible that we won’t know the full story about Fee revenue sharing until Vaults launches.

We encourage you to propose and implement new PoFi use cases. For example, Pollo has been ignored when contacting Swamp, and Beefy. I’m sure there is a reason why Pollo is being ignored.. We are trying to solve the issue and maybe it will be smoother if you help us. We want everybody to communicate with their peers and utilize all the connections we have. (Note: Some of the projects have contacted we. Thank you)

Another viable option would be to issue a new token, for example a PoFi-egg, this time with no upper limit, as was suggested in the survey. This is similar to Tree DeFi and Pancake Swap

Unlike PoFi, farming is permanent, which means that it will continue to generate revenue. We can also make a use case for Farming PoFi-egg with PoFi. Also, to some extent, it can be used as a material for partnering with other projects. In some cases, we may be able to form a good relationship like bDollar and Kebab. Did you know that bDollar has a contract to automatically invest in Kebab? (

Of course, the revenue generated from the new token will be 100% owned by the Pollo family and will be used to fund DAO activities.

However,as with PoFi, we would need to find new use cases for the unlimited supply token. We may need to follow the great Pancake Swap once again. Or we may need a completely new approach. We already have PoFi, PDO, sPDO, bPDO, and PVL (planned) in the Pollo economy, and we need to be very careful about whether we add any more tokens. Please let the Pollo team know if you really want to do it, or not, as we will conduct a vote if necessary.

2. People who can invent and execute the next project that Pollo can start.

The content is a bit similar to inventing PoFi use cases.

For one example, the Pollo family suggestedthe Radium money pot idea, which is a good example. I can’t judge whether this is the best or not, but ‘quickly becoming a second penguin’ is a good survival strategy. In June, the Pollo team will have completed three months of miracles, but it is up to you to create the next miracle.

3. Someone who can negotiate listings.

The Pollo team receives offers on a daily basis. We get Youtube shoots, listing requests, AMAs…

Most of them are on hold because Pollo has no time to assess them. We created an offer channel in the hope that people would post their proposals in a public place for the Pollo family to see, but almost no one posts offers. Many salespeople seem to like private messages.

I am looking for someone who can accept PMs and DMs on my behalf. Someone to approach and deal with Beefy, Swamp, Radium,Pancake and others.

4. People who can develop unstarted projects

We are looking for engineers for unstarted projects.

All the source code that is currently maintained and developed by the Pollo team developers will eventually need to be maintained by DAO members or an external company. One option is for the current engineers to continue on the project, but this will incur a regular fee.

The Pollo Discord Server has received a few offers from engineers. Let’s actively recruit engineers. However, it is important to determine the right person for the job, and it is the important job of the DAO to determine the right person.

A more detailed concept of the unfinished project will be described in a separate article later.

5. People who can organize and disseminate information.

The Pollo team currently publishes information on Medium. We believe there are people who can organize information better than the Pollo team.

Multilingual communication: As a rule, the Pollo team does not communicate in languages other than English. Please help us by sending Pollo info in your own language. Send it to publications that we don’t know of.

6. People who can manage and operate a community

The lifeblood of DAO is the community. We need people who can manage and operate it appropriately and raise the morale of everyone.

It is also essential we define and maintain the rules. The <Pollo Discord Community> is still in its infancy, but it will grow in the future. For example, PoFi holders should have the role of “Pollo DAO council”, while those involved who are not PoFi holders should have the role of “Pollo members.” This idea and more like this are needed.

Again, the Pollo team, the guiding North Star, will go away sooner or later. Some of the former Pollo team members will still be part of the DAO. The authority you and I have will not change in any way.

By that date, independent management and administration will be required. After observing the current community, I can see you are well equipped to do so. I knowyou can do so with confidence. Likewise, when it comes to generating ideas, the Pollo family is much better than the Pollo team.

7. People who can decide on Pollo’s charter and who can faithfully execute it.

Before the Pollo team is disbanded, we would like to create a Pollo Charter with input from everyone in the Pollo family.

Our Charter will define how we act at the highest level. For example, If there is a major disaster somewhere in the world, we will make a quick donation from the Fund, or,If the Pollo family is in trouble, we will make a special donation based on the rules. We want to establish fair and equitable rules and guidelines, even if they are modest.

Without a policy, Pollo will eventually become an unfamiliar aimless group. However, the charter is just one aspiration of the Pollo team. If the DAO members decide they don’t need to contribute to society, then they can agree on different goals and guidelines. Pollo is ultimately here for you. If you prefer, you can try to get extremely rich and enjoy the money game on DeFi to your heart’s content. However, I remind you Pollo was created to make society better, by increasing stability and wealth.

I don’t mean this in a sarcastic way. It is the consensus of the DAO that shall rule. Consensus of community is also needed to decide whether or not the DAO can be established and sustained. There is no right or wrong in that. If you want Pollo to be the ‘Costco of DeFi’ with all its services, then Pollo will indeed be that.

In our growing family there will be diverse views about money. The DAO should help us to find a middle path through the dark forests of fear and greed. The majority rules, and the Charter rules the majority. Oh yes, we will need some rules about majority and quorum too!

8. Other roles and ideas not confined to this.

Ideas are not limited to what I have written here. Please keep them coming.

Any other issues to consider in transition to DAO

Close communication with the Pollo team (chatting or talking in both English and Japanese is highly desirable)
Handover of various SNS accounts, etc.
Multisig management
Protocol maintenance and management

The languages and environments we are currently using for Pollo development:

Development language:

truffle and remix
nodejs and typescript

RDS (AWS database, using MySQL, used to store data for TVL and regulations)
EC2 (current development environment)
S3 (file storage for the site)
Cloudfront (CDN)
CodePipeline or Amplify
Route53 (domain manipulation)
Automatic deployment of CI
Create npm packages
Other server and contract operations, periodic execution wallet monitoring

In the meantime, we have prepared a Google form for Pollo family members to write down what they can and want to do.

Please note that your input will be made available to the public in the following Google spreadsheet

As I keep saying, as soon as everything is in order and the ‘ 3 month miracle’ is over, the Pollo team will be disbanded and integrated into a DAO as soon as possible. The Pollo team’s last work will be the publication of Dr. Saito’s paper, for which we need your cooperation. I look forward to working with you.



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